Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A Day in the Life

I often think that this little lizard is my alter-ego.  I do SO love sitting and moving in the sun and the heat of the New Mexico high desert. So many mornings we have our coffee and breakfast out on our porch, soaking in the sun that blazes out of a blue, blue sky and watching the lizards skitter around trying to avoid our cat. And as much as I hate to admit it, I think we have several weeks to go before it's really warm enough to do that again.  Of course it's not as chilly as Alaska (where we came from) or Maine (where we originated) but it IS chilly for New Mexico--no doubt about it.  So my concession to the cold is to get busy in the house, taking inventory, ordering herbs and oils and bottles and jars and today, decanting and making more tinctures. I decanted some Elderberry Tincture and some Flu-Be-Gone Tincture into their little bottles and went to the store for more brandy so I can begin new quarts of tincture, which will be ready in a few weeks.  A friend came by and purchased several bottles of each--she says she's been reading that the flu is dropping people like flies, so I want to be ready!!!    

All lined up like good little soldiers, ready to make folks feel better!
I spent some time adding information to my website :  about consumers of herbs, essential oils and homeopathics always needing to keep in mind that if the remedy, or tincture, or tisane, or infusion is really effective it can cause what is known as the Herxheimer Effect.  This occurs when, because of the effectiveness of the treatment, pathogens die off in a hurry, flooding the body's system with little dead critters and toxins.  This can jump up the body's response and its immune system goes into high gear and you feel like either your symptoms have just gotten a LOT worse, or you've just come down with bad flu. Doesn't happen very often, but it can.  Usually, if you can take a nap, these symptoms go away, but sometimes they can last for even a few days.  Do go online and research this phenomenon in healing.  Perhaps you've heard it called a "Healing Crisis".  Same thing.  Stuff often gets a little worse before it gets a lot better.  Like Life...

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